Money Heist, also known as ‘The House of Paper,’ is a Spanish heist crime drama television series created by Lex Pina. The series follows two long-planned heists led by the Professor, one on the Royal Mint of Spain and one on the Bank of Spain, as told by Tokyo, one of the robbers.
For complexity, the story is told in real time, with flashbacks, time jumps, hidden character motivations, and an untrustworthy narrator.
At the 46th International Emmy Awards, the series received several awards, including the International Emmy Award for Best Drama Series, as well as critical acclaim for its sophisticated plot, interpersonal dramas, direction, and attempt to innovate Spanish television.
The anti-fascist Italian song “Bella Ciao,” which appears several times throughout the series, became a summer hit across Europe in 2018. By 2018, the series had become the most-watched non-English-language series on Netflix, as well as one of the most-watched series overall, with particular resonance with viewers from Mediterranean Europe and Latin America.
Set in Madrid, a mysterious man known as the “Professor” recruits a group of eight people to carry out an ambitious plan that involves breaking into the Royal Mint of Spain and escaping with €984 million.
After taking 67 people hostage inside the Mint, the team intends to stay for 11 days to print money while dealing with elite police forces. Following the initial heist, the members of the group are forced to come out of hiding and prepare for a second heist, this time aiming to escape with gold from the Bank of Spain while dealing with hostages and police forces.